
Sprechen is my own record label which I set up as platform for my own productions as well as established artists I admire and have worked whilst also serving as a platform for emerging artists to have their music released on.
Overtime the label has begun to develop into being a bit of a ‘one stop shop’ where I am able to work with producers who’s studio experience & knowledge may not be quite yet at a level where their music is of a standard to release.
Through mentoring & one to one studio sessions we have been able to finalise & mix-down tracks to a completed stage which Sprechen can then serve as a platform for their music to be released. I personally strive to work with underrepresented demographics as much as possible and create a relaxed & comfortable experience in the studio where the learning process continues (for myself included!).

For All Things Sprechen…

Contact ME

I’m always more than happy to chat over any ideas & thoughts so if you feel like being collaboratively creative then please do drop me a line via ↓